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Tailored Solutions for Police Forces and Teams

Improve Performance

Reduce Absence

Support Retention

Adapt & Evolve Consultancy has the knowledge, skills and experience to reduce absence, improve performance and support retention in police forces, departments and teams

We have already worked with many forces and departments to help reduce their absence, improve their performance and support retention.

Some of the departments and teams we have supported include:

Major Crime Teams, Serious Collision Investigation Units, Family Liaison Officers, Specialist Operations, Counter terrorism Unit, Professional Standards Departments, Public Protection, Safeguarding, Response, Firearms, Roads Policing, Digital Forensics Units, Force Control Room, Criminal Justice Information Services.

Supporting the FBI

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How we can benefit your teams and force.

The latest Police Federation of England and Wales’ Pay and Morale Survey reveals significant challenges faced by police officers. Mental Health Concerns: 82% have experienced stress, low mood, or anxiety, with 93% attributing these issues to work. Workload and Staffing: 86% feel there are not enough officers to meet demands, and 64% report their workload is too high. Low Morale and Retention Issues: 22% of respondents plan to resign within the next two years. This worrying situation is replicated across all ranks as evidenced in the most recent Police Superintendents survey which describes a 'wellbeing crisis' amongst senior leaders.

Our unique biological well-being workshop equips officers to identify and alleviate chronic stress at the earliest opportunity, before it negatively impacts on their mental health. We provide early intervention and prevention through a half day session which helps to address and reverse stress before it reduces performance. Read here for more information 

So why are police officers and staff so stressed? A lack of psychological safety is the number one cause of work related stress. In a half day workshop, we take teams though ISO 45003, psychological health and safety, upskilling them to feel and be safer in the workplace, and increasing team performance to resolve issues effectively. We also help each individual to increase their own resilience, leaving them better able to perform under pressure. Read here for more information 

Why invest in this approach?

By increasing the well-being and psychological safety of teams, police forces are able to reduce the amount of attrition in these teams, preventing that loss of experience and the cost of further recruitment.

We have been at the sharpest end of policing, and witnessed the cost of ineffective interventions. We know what we provide will help and support your teams in your force.

Our 100% satisfaction rates show how our clients value our approach and recognise the financial, personal and performance benefits that we provide to law enforcement across the UK and in America.WM Testimonial

Mark Pannone MSc

Mark is an experienced senior public sector leader who served across the country as a police officer to the rank of assistant chief constable. Mark is passionate about effective leadership and focused delivery. He has a proven record of operational success in high-pressure environments and effective organisational change management.

Mark thrives in challenging work environments in which clarity of thought and support is required to assist others to make informed decisions and developing themselves and their organisation. Mark was a crisis negotiator for 17 years and both a strategic firearms commander and a senior public order commander for over 10 years. Mark led some of the highest-level operations in the forces he served, generating a wealth of experience of managing multi-faceted and complex public safety solutions with partner agencies.

Mark believes that anyone can make informed decisions, regardless of place in the organisations in which they work, helping both themselves and their teams to thrive. Mark uses his experience to support others, either in groups or as individuals to maximise their potential and overcome genuine and perceived problems. Mark’s approach is direct, fun, and empowering and will support you to become the person you want to be in and out of the workplace.


Dr. Zoe Billings

Zoe is a rare blend of being both a respected academic and a practical operational achiever. Zoe uses her background as a biologist to challenge thinking on how we perform and how we need to adapt, and balances this with her wealth of experience in the workplace as a senior investigator managing road traffic fatalities.

Zoe achieved her Ph.D in biology from the University of York. She has a vast amount of knowledge across many aspects of biology, and has harnessed this to assist and support people for a number of years, around the physical aspects of chronic stress and well-being. Zoe is passionate about helping people to feel their best and achieve their potential. Having developed and delivered presentations and workshops in this area to both public and private sector organisations with outstanding success, she has already made a significant positive impact on the ability of delegates to perform in modern life.

Zoe has over 17 years experience in policing where she has developed skills of decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, enhancing team performance, leadership and communication. This operational and managerial experience and credibility, blended with her academic prowess has provided with Zoe with a unique skill set, making her invaluable in our work to assist and support individuals and companies, by bespoke consultancy and development, to truly be the best in their field.


What Law Enforcement have to say about us

Just a handful of comments from our work supporting your sector.

"Very comfortable with all of that. It helps I think that you understand police roles and pressures and it gives credibility. I often thought my stress levels are a key contributed to my lack of biological wellbeing and so this helps provide focus. Thank you."

"I'm very thankful that both of you came to the FBI in Clarksburg, West Virginia, USA and presented this topic. I wasn't aware that stress could take such a toll on one's health. This a topic that needs to be presented more and more to everyone. I'm now taking a serious look at my own health and the stress I have and I'm going to make changes. I really loved the Box Breathing and plan on incorporating it into my daily routine."

"Very interesting. The metaphors used to describe the biological effects of stress were very relatable and made it easy to understand the long term effects of stress on the body. A nice change from hearing about the mental health effects."

"There was a lot of useful information provided during this session, and the information was provided in a way that it was easy to understand. The examples provided helped to solidify the points being made. It was an excellent session. I believe everyone should attend this as there was a lot of information provided that is very helpful when it comes to stress management."

"I thought three and half hours was a long time for a training of this nature. But Zoe was very funny and made the time go fast. I think my team learned a lot from the training. Thank you!!"


Thank you for coming and delivering at the National Vetting Symposium, It was really useful and well received!

Please contact us to see where we can best help you and your business to survive. There’s no hard sales pitch, just an initial exploration of how we can add value for you.

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