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Supporting you to be the best in your field

Improve Performance

Reduce Absence

Support Retention

Adapt & Evolve Consultancy is here to work hard with you to help you and your business thrive, grow and be the best in your field.

Adaptation and evolution are essential for survival and growth.

About Us

Adapt & Evolve Consultancy came together to provide support to businesses that wish to reduce their sickness rates, improve their performance and help with good staff retention.

Our services are straight forward, effective and bespoke. We have a unique approach to reducing staff sickness through our engaging evidence-based workshops on how stress affects the body, led by Dr Zoe Billings.

These workshops are complimented by our work on psychological safety, resilience, leadership, teamwork, decision making and problem solving.

We provide a coaching service to support your employment and personal development and we are qualified to provide mediation in the workplace.  

We use our significant operational, tactical and strategic experience to support your staff perform at their best, blending proven theory with demonstrable knowledge. Our 100% satisfaction rates show how our clients value our approach and recognise the financial, personal and performance benefits that we provide to businesses across the UK and in America.

Dr. Zoe Billings

Zoe is a rare blend of being both a respected academic and a practical operational achiever. Zoe uses her background as a biologist to challenge thinking on how we perform and how we need to adapt, and balances this with her wealth of experience in the workplace as a senior investigator managing road traffic fatalities.

Zoe achieved her Ph.D in biology from the University of York. She has a vast amount of knowledge across many aspects of biology, and has harnessed this to assist and support people for a number of years, around the physical aspects of chronic stress and well-being. Zoe is passionate about helping people to feel their best and achieve their potential. Having developed and delivered presentations and workshops in this area to both public and private sector organisations with outstanding success, she has already made a significant positive impact on the ability of delegates to perform in modern life.

Zoe has over 17 years experience in policing where she has developed skills of decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, enhancing team performance, leadership and communication. This operational and managerial experience and credibility, blended with her academic prowess has provided with Zoe with a unique skill set, making her invaluable in our work to assist and support individuals and companies, by bespoke consultancy and development, to truly be the best in their field.


Mark Pannone MSc

Mark is an experienced senior public sector leader who served across the country as a police officer to the rank of assistant chief constable. Mark is passionate about effective leadership and focused delivery. He has a proven record of operational success in high-pressure environments and effective organisational change management.

Mark thrives in challenging work environments in which clarity of thought and support is required to assist others to make informed decisions and developing themselves and their organisation. Mark was a crisis negotiator for 17 years and both a strategic firearms commander and a senior public order commander for over 10 years. Mark led some of the highest-level operations in the forces he served, generating a wealth of experience of managing multi-faceted and complex public safety solutions with partner agencies.

Mark believes that anyone can make informed decisions, regardless of place in the organisations in which they work, helping both themselves and their teams to thrive. Mark uses his experience to support others, either in groups or as individuals to maximise their potential and overcome genuine and perceived problems. Mark’s approach is direct, fun, and empowering and will support you to become the person you want to be in and out of the workplace.


Our Services

We will strengthen you and your team’s knowledge and skills in key areas. This is critical to maximising your performance helping ensure that your business is one that thrives.

A group of Gazelles

Biological Well-Being


Decision Making & Problem Solving


Organisational Assessments, Evaluations & Reviews


Psychological Safety & Resilience




Leadership & Team Performance

Eagle soaring

Coaching & Mentoring


I absolutely loved it! Besides learning things I had never heard of before, the way the information was presented is what made it so enjoyable. I told all of my coworkers who did not attend that they definitely need to if it is given again. I also am extremely thankful that there were presentations on night shift...that happens very rarely.

Please contact us to see where we can best help you and your business to survive. There’s no hard sales pitch, just an initial exploration of how we can add value for you.

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Proud to work with

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Cumbria Transport Group
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